
Tribulus is a member of family Zygophyllaceae. It commonly known as Gokharu or puncture vine. It acts as hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aphrodiasic, hypolipidemic, diuretic and anti-cancer.

100% best for erectile

Increase sexual

Maintain blood pressure
The active ingredients in Tribulus Terrestris include saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids tannins, lignin amides, kaempferol, protodioscin and glycosides
Tribulus terrestris, is perennial creeping herb, That can be found in Mediterranean, subtropical, desert climates, U.S., Mexico, India, China and Eastern Europe.

Did You Know?
Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) is an ancient plant used for medicinal purposes. It use as aphrodisiac and to treat urinary tract infection, inflammation and other ailments. It is also use to enhance athletic performance or increase libido.
Tribulus has long history in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine for the treatment of various kind of disease.
One study shows that TT extract induced the relaxation of carpus cavernosum. The mechanism includes a reaction involving the nitric oxide synthase pathway and endothelium of the carpus cavernosum. Those improve in the erectile dysfunction.
Velvet Bean

The Velvet Bean is the member of family Fabaceae. Its latin name is Mucuna pruriens. It is a Known Ayurvedic medicinal herb acts as Libido enhancer, increases testosterone levels, builds muscles, reduces inflammation, relieve the stress and act as mood elevator.

Increases testosterone

Increases libido

Maintain blood pressure
Velvet bean has a long history in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for the treatment of many diseases. It is use for diseases including snake bite, male infertility, nervous disorders, and also as an aphrodisiac.
It is vigorous annual climbing legume that is indigenous to Tropical regions especially Southern China, eastern India, Africa, And the West Indies.

Did You Know?
Different Clinical studies reported velvet bean as having an aphrodisiac activity and increase the Libido, due to its stimulation the release of gonadotropin releasing hormone.
Velvet bean also use for the high blood pressure, high cholesterol, muscle pain, rheumatism, nerve tonic and for edema.
Velvet Bean has been well documented in its ability to increase testosterone, ends premature ejaculation and stimulate growth hormone (thereby increasing muscle mass).
Elephant Vine

Elephant vine is commonly known as Vruddha daraka in Ayurveda. It is used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine from ancient time. It is effective for male libido booster and used as natural testosterone supplement.

Nervine tonic

Build up protein

Stimulates Sex Hormones
Elephant creeper has chemical constituents like Glycosides, Ergolines, Hydroxycinnamic acid, Fatty acids which results in its therapeutic effects.
It commonly found in Assam, West Bengal, Bihar,Orissa, Hawaii and Africa..

Did You Know?
The root of Elephant Vine enhances sexual behavior by naturally increasing testosterone levels.
Several studies stated that Elephant Creeper has multiple pharmacological actions. One study stated that dried roots of Elephant creeper increase the sperm count motility.
Studies also show that plant derived drugs of Elephant creeper is a potent cure to male sexual inability and it is the best treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Withania Somnifera

Withania somnifera is commonly known as ashwagandha. It used to treat erectile dysfunction, sexual weakness, and loss of libido. It reduces the stress and prevents anxiety.

Nervine tonic

Build up protein

Improve sexual function
Nutmeg conatians elemicin, isoelemicin, eugenol, phenylpropanoids, lignas and neolignas.
Withania somnifera is grow in drier parts and sub-tropical areas. It can be found in north western India, Pakistan,Afghanistan, Egypt, Island, Estern Africa, Madagascar and South Africa.

Did You Know?
Withania somnifera is an ancient plant used for medicinal purposes. It use as aphrodisiac, increase male sexual performance and increase libido.
Withania somnifera has 3000 years long history in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine for the treatment of various kind of disease.
Ayurvedic practitioners use Withania somnifera as aphrodisiac and to treat male infertility.