The Effects of Lack of Sleep on Men

As the second wave of the global pandemic engulfs the world in its clutches, we can’t help but feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. Stress can have a tremendous impact on your sleep. Though most of us do not give a second thought to our sleep patterns, it is monumental for functioning at our optimal. The human body is a medical miracle, which indulges in various processes even as we sleep. 

Getting a good night’s sleep can make you feel recharged, positive, and ready to take on the day. It can further allow the body to heal and speed up convalescence. No wonder not getting enough sleep can debilitate your health. Sleep deprivation can cause grumpiness, irritability, confusion, clumsiness, and even lead to accidents. 

Lack of Sleep Side Effects on Men 

Unfortunately, too many sleepless nights can deteriorate your mental, physical, and sexual well-being. Here is some common lack of sleep effects that can impact your life: 

Impact on Physical Appearance 

Perhaps one of the most visible signs of sleep deprivation is reflected in your appearance. Lack of sleep can have a massive impact on your appearance, hair, and skin health. Shockingly, in the absence of a goodnight’s sleep, the body starts to release cortisol, a stress hormone. Excess of this hormone can lead to the breakage of skin collagen, thereby accelerating the signs of aging. 

Ever noticed staying awake longer than usual a few nights in a row can cause puffiness underneath the eyes? Over time, too many sleepless nights can lead to dark circles, a dull complexion, and even the appearance of fine lines. On the contrary, getting uninterrupted eight hours of beauty sleep can do wonders for your appearance. It can also give you a more youthful appearance, maintain skin elasticity, and smoothness. 

Effects Lack of Sleep Has on the Body 

Sleep deprivation is directly related to obesity as it can cause you to feel hungrier than usual. Lack of sleep also results in a drop in leptin and elevation in ghrelin. Leptin signals satiety to the brain and reduces hunger, while ghrelin stimulates hunger. Therefore, the less you sleep, the more likely you are to overeat and gain unwanted pounds. Furthermore, it can also make you crave high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods that can also make you gain weight.  

Unfortunately, weight gain in men is also linked to visceral fat, which sits right above the male organ and can trigger erectile dysfunction. However, the good news is you can easily avoid all of this by getting proper sleep. 

Loss of Libido 

According to experts, loss of sleep can impact both female and male libido. During sleep, men naturally release the male hormone, testosterone, which is monumental for the male drive and proper functionality of the male organ. However, lack of sleep can hinder the production of testosterone, thereby leading to a loss of libido. 

If you are suffering from a loss of libido, consult your doctor and try Herbion Virility Formula, a performance-enhancing supplement. These all-natural veggie capsules contain a powerhouse of Tribulus Terrestris, Ashwagandha, Velvet bean, and Elephant vine that bolster libido, vitality, sperm count, and improve prostate health. Our testosterone supplement for men also improves cognitive functionality, mood, and improves anemia. 

Where to Buy Male Enhancement Pills in Canada? 

Head over to Amazon, to shop online for Herbion Virility Formula, the best supplements for men. Just one to two capsules twice a day for eight to twelve weeks gives you optimal benefits for male health. 

Trigger the Onset of Heart Disease 

Did you know, lack of sleep can predispose you to develop heart diseases? These ailments include stroke, diabetes, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, heart attack, and high blood pressure. Therefore, one of the best ways to maintain heart health is by getting proper sleep. 

Lead to Depression 

Sleep deprivation for too long can lead to anxiety and depression. Therefore, in this case, you snooze you lose depression and gain positivity. Paradoxically, both depression and insomnia feed off of each other, since lack of sleep can cause depression and these feelings can prevent you from falling asleep peacefully. However, if you look on the bright side, you can ward off depression by getting proper sleep. 

Lack of Sleep Effects on Driving 

Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue and slow down reaction time. The grogginess you feel when you do not get enough Zs can lead to confusion and make you lose track of time. According to a studyconducted on the effects of lack of sleep on young drivers, it was stated on average 20% of all vehicle crashes are caused due to sleep deprivation. Therefore, it is essential to avoid driving when sleepy and to consciously prioritize sleep hygiene on a daily basis. 

Sleep Hygiene Tips 

If you struggling with trouble sleeping, here are some tips to help you sleep with ease: 

Create your sleep schedule and stick to it like glue no matter if it is weekday or weekend. Sleeping and waking up at the same time, help your internal body clock get accustomed to feeling sleepy and fresh with ease at particular timings. 

When heading to bed, dim the lights, turn off all electronic devices, including the television, your mobile phone, and your laptop. Make sure the bedroom temperature is cozy and comfy for your personal preference and there are no loud noises. If you live in a busy neighborhood, invest in a high-quality pair of earplugs to cancel out disturbances. 

Furthermore, you can facilitate sleep by listening to calming sounds of the ocean, the pitter-patter of the rainfall, or even use aromatic essential oil drops on your pillowcase. Some other ways to improve sleep is with daily workout, yoga, and meditation. These activities help reduce stress levels, relax your mind and body which can help you sleep better and feel better. 


Prioritize getting eight hours of sleep every day. If possible, try sleeping by 11 p.m. to reap the maximum benefits of sleep. Turn off all devices an hour before hitting the bed and avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during this time. We hope our tips and tricks help you slumber with absolute ease.  

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